Anu in Blogland

My thoughts and interests. Things I've learned.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Olympics III

Now that it's over I should probably make some kind of concluding posting, but I haven't really been in the mood for it. I'm glad it's all over, I've had enough. The worst part is starting to feel like you have some kind of obligation to watch, say ice hockey, even if you're not the least bit interested, just because your own country is playing.

I think it's time for this coach potato to put on the walking shoes and go out for a change!

Thursday, February 23, 2006


What is a Blogroll? Why Would I Want One?

The link above offers a simple explanation of blogrolls.

"A blogroll is a listing of websites that often appear as links on weblogs. This list of links is used to relate the site owner's interest in or affiliation with other webloggers."
If you decide you want to have one, you can go to BlogRolling, I think I stick to the old fashioned method for now. :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Olympics II

It's hard to imagine how on earth something as weird as curling ever got invented, but according to history of curling it indeed has been around for long:
"The first hand-written record of what could be called an early curling game dates from February, 1540, when John McQuhin of Scotland noted down, in Latin, a challenge to a game on ice between a monk named John Sclater and an associate, Gavin Hamilton."

But it's enjoyable to watch, if only during the Olympics. And Finland has been doing amazingly well!

I always follow figure skating closely. I think the new judging system is a step in the right direction. Some say the artistry has suffered, but I hope it's only a temporary thing while everyone is still trying to get used to the new requirements. It seems fairer, even if Zhang/Zhang in pairs obviously gained some sympathy points after Dan's terrible fall.

So far I think the highlight has been Johnny Weir's short program. And it's always nice to see an American who appreciates foreign cultures. :)

Weir causes stir with Soviet jacket

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Olympics I

I like to watch the Winter Olympics, but I'm not sure if I have that much to comment about it. The Web is full of stories, blogs and comments, I'm sure, and I have nothing much to add. I wonder if anybody who is interested actually has time to read any of it, because they're glued to their TV sets.

I'm not sure if I'm that thrilled, but the Games provide at least a nice background noise for the whole day, you can do your chores, knit, exercise and eat while being entertained by the brave and energetic athletes. It's a communal experience, and that's the biggest thrill: knowing there are millions of people watching the same event as you are. Of course it's also a distraction from more important things you probably should be doing in most cases.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Blog basics

I've tried to learn little something about blogging, how it all started and other basics. One place to start the research is BlogBib.

Once you start blogging you might need Ten Tips For A Better Weblog. Or maybe you need more tips. How about 47? And here are some more thoughts about blogging:

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Hesitant Blogger

What am I doing in Blogland? How did I get here?

I suspect that I have (at least some traits of) avoidant personality disorder, so I usually avoid blogs, jobs and all other useful things. Are blogs useful? Mine probably isn't, but globally speaking yes, I think so.

I'm currently unemployed, and I wasn't selected to the vocational course I applied to, so I have the time. I've thought about blogging, but I'm not sure if it's my thing. There are so many decisions to make, and what's the point really? I still don't know, but as a result of a very rare act of spontaneity: here I am!

Maybe it's an existentialist thing (or Cartesian more likely). I try to prove myself that I exist. :)